Are you planning to come to Luhačovice by car? We have prepared for you an overview of places where you can leave your car and go on a walking tour of the city. Free and paid parking in Luhačovice will give you plenty of time to walk around the colonnade and spa park, as well as coffee and cake.
Free parking

Parking for freight transport in ul. Garden district opposite gardening.
Parking for passenger, freight and bus transport in ul. Nádražní.

Paid parking (7 a.m. to 6 p.m.)
- Parking for passenger transport in ul. Crosswise – first hour / 5 CZK, next hours 20 CZK.
- Parking lot in ul. Masarykova – 20 CZK / hour.
- Parking in Nádražní Street, Embankment (behind the shopping centre) – first hour / 5 CZK, next hours 20 CZK.
- Parking lot in ul. U Šťávnice – 20 CZK / hour.
- Longitudinal standing on the right in the street Pod Kamennou behind the Church of St. Families – first hour / 5 CZK, next hours 20 CZK.
- Parking lot in ul. Salt (above ground part of the car park) – first hour / 5 CZK, next hours 20 CZK.
- Parking lot in ul. Masarykova near the spa garage – first hour / 10 CZK, next hours 10 CZK / passenger car; 30 CZK / hour / bus.
- Parking lot in ul. Zatloukalova, A. Slavíčka, Betty Smetanová and The White Quarter – parking cards type E (for purchase in the Municipal Tourist Information Centre).
- Parking lot in ul. White Quarter – 1-6. first hour / 5 CZK, next hours 20 CZK.
Parking card type E

The E card entitles you to stand in places reserved for location and number. This method of parking can not be booked, only purchased in the Municipal Tourist Information Center Luhačovice for 50 CZK / day.
- Parking lot ul. White quarter, longitudinal standing on the left.
- Parking lot ul. Hammered, longitudinal standing on the right.
- Parking lot ul. Antonín Slavíček, longitudinal standing on the right.
- Parking lot ul. Betty Smetana, longitudinal standing on the left.
- Parking lot ul. Under Kamenna, perpendicular standing opposite villa Vepřek.
- Parking lot ul. Josef Cerník and Bezručov.